

The Centre d’art et de diffusion Clark Montreal,Canada
Saturday April 14th, 2007 - 8 pm / Video

Samedi le 5 mai 2007 à 20 h
Espace d'exposition de la Bande Vidéo

Phyllis Baldino, Messieurs Delmotte,
Eric Duyckaerts, Manuelle Gauthier,
Mai Hofstad Gunnes, Halflifers,
Buster Keaton, Karin Kihlberg &
Reuben Henry, Mrzyk et Moriceau,
Erik Olofsen, Alix Pearlstein,
David Yonge.

A video program by Patrice Duhamel
Comprised of two axes, one investigating science, and the
other fiction, the program Fuzzy Logic is steeped in idiocy.
What “idiot” is, in its fundamental sense, is untranslatable,
irreducible. As Jean-Yves Jouannais suggests in his book
L’idiotie (“Idiocy”), it will be a question here, of observing
how these video practices articulate
themselves as forms of life, art, politics and resistance.

These “deviant” practices exhaust us. They present
themselves as disqualified and limping, but nothing is
able to strip their passionate determination from them.
We like these practices because they reproduce not only
the sacrificial figure of the artist that society requires
to validate its laws of behavior, but also because
they depict the artist who, literally, blows it. We hate
these practices, or love to hate them, because they make
us laugh at what we do not ourselves do, while
making us forget that it is only art.